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RYLA Four-Way Test Speech Contest

RYLA participants are encouraged to participate in District 7570's Four-Way Speech Contest.  The speech contest is one way Rotarians can support students who make healthy choices in the ethical issues they face in everyday life as teens.  Students are subjected to pressure from peers to engage in unhealthy, unwise and unethical behaviors and choices.  Students in District 7570 face the same temptations, the same pressures, and the same ethical and behavior choices, as those teens across the country.  

RYLA Speech contestants are asked to present a six-minute persuasive talk, directed towards their peers, to promote high ethical standards in daily life.  Topics may include personal experiences and/or knowledge of ethical behavior, decision making, peer pressure, relationships, bullying, substance abuse prevention or other experiences as it relates to the Rotary-Four Way Test of the things we think, say, or do.  Speeches must be videotaped and submitted through the online submission process.

The content of the speech should be focused, clear, and accurate, and should be delivered in a logical, organized, and persuasive manner.  Articulation, body language, creativity, and effectiveness in engaging peers in the message of ethical choices and behavior relating to Rotary's Four-Way Test will be important in judging presentations.


Selection Process - The RYLA committee will select the top contestants.  These contestants will present their presentation in person to their RYLA peers during RYLA.  RYLA participants will select the top three contestants.  

Dress - RYLA participants who are selected to present at RYLA are encouraged to dress in a professional manner.  We are not requiring that students must go buy a suit or dress.  Rather, we would like for the student to consider that their dress is appropriate with the presentation they would give if they were visiting business leaders at a local Rotary Club meeting.

1st Place - $700

2nd Place - $500

3rd Place - $300

Application Deadline - Sunday November 24, 2024

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