Chaperone Information
Chaperone Check-in: Friday December 6, 2024 11:00AM-12:30PM - The program will begin promptly at 1:00PM. Chaperones should plan to eat lunch prior to the start of the program.
Chaperone Logistics Meeting: A virtual meeting will be held prior to RYLA to review the agenda and detail and answer any questions. This meeting will be recorded for those that are unable to attend.
Chaperone Meeting: A chaperone meeting will be held at 2:15PM Friday December 6th in the Assembly Hall to review the program for the weekend. WhatsApp will be used as the communication tool for all chaperones. Chaperones will be sent information on how to use this App prior to RYLA.
Attire: Suggested attire is casual - business casual. Participants will be provided a RYLA t-shirt to wear during the day on Saturday. Chaperones are encouraged to dress up for the RYLA banquet Saturday night. Suits, ties, dress slacks, and or dresses is appropriate. Chaperones will be walking on campus. They should be prepared for rain, snow, and cold weather. Please be prepared to bring appropriate clothing. If possible, wear your Rotary clothing!
Night Checks: Students are expected to be in their room with lights out by 11:30PM. Chaperones are expected to check on their assigned students to ensure they are in their assigned rooms.
Student Code of Conduct: Please be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct. Students should abide by these rules. Please advise the RYLA Chair of any issues throughout the weekend.